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stx Corporation


Business Information

New Growth Engine

STX aims to achieve sustainable growth by practicing a win-win management strategy as an eco-friendly business
that will become a new growth engine.
As a growth engine, we aim to contribute to the creation of a healthy industrial ecosystem and virtuous cycle
and strengthen the value chain by uncovering eco-friendly resources.

  • Hydrogen Power

    Produced by splitting water molecules, hydrogen has low carbon emissions and is an essential resource in the renewable, green energy sector.
    We strive to become a global player by enhancing our expertise in the entire supply chain,
    from hydrogen production to storage and transportation, and maximizing synergy
    with our subsidiaries like PK Valve, a producer and seller of liquefied hydrogen valves.

  • AI Smart Grid

    Electricity and gas delivery systems built with cutting-edge technology can increase efficiency and reduce emissions.
    Korea is looking to scale down its dependence on foreign energy resources and revitalize renewable energy by leveraging its expertise
    in digital technologies, big data, and interactive communication.
    We plan to actively foster the next generation of power infrastructure to combat the climate and energy crisis.

  • Recycling

    Recycling refers to the creation of new value by reclaiming and securing resources while practicing eco-friendly business.
    We are making efforts to secure mineral resources and practice eco-friendly business by recycling materials like lithium and nickel
    from waste batteries from electric cars.

  • Healthcare

    The global need for healthy living is pushing the rise of the healthcare market.
    By trading various health-related products, such as medical devices,
    we pledge to realize the common needs of humanity in this era of longevity.
